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Blog / We’re Open For Businesses To Work, However, They Work

An update on how we are adapting our business centres to keep our clients and staff safe, productive and happy.

open for business

Our business centres have been accessible since 23rd March, allowing clients to collect their post and the equipment they’ve needed to make working at home easier. 

We are constantly monitoring the current guidelines and based on recent government advice our offices are now open for business.

We look forward to welcoming you all back and want to let you know about all of the changes we have made to make sure our Wrkspace is adapted for our new way of working.

We acknowledge that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on how we work, therefore we have made a number of adaptations to our centres.

Flexible Working

Flexibility is at the heart of Wrkspace’s business model and we are embracing this now more than ever. We want to support all of our clients who are bringing their teams back into their office suites. We will be led by their considerations around social distancing and will support them in reconfiguring their office space.

Hand Hygiene

business centres

We have installed hand sanitiser stations at various locations throughout all of our centres and there are hand washing facilities available throughout. We will also be providing hand sanitising wipes in our communal areas to promote hand hygiene and clean surfaces.



Cleaning schedules have been increased and are particularly focused on high traffic areas such as hand rails, doors, kitchen equipment and communal areas. We will also be keeping internal doors open where we can to minimise physical contact.

Most importantly, we’re bringing in specialists to conduct a deep clean in our buildings prior to the offices re-opening.

One-way Routes

The introduction of one-way routes with clear signposting has been designed to minimise contact with others. We have also implemented different entrance and exit routes in buildings, wherever possible.

Communal Areas

In our business lounges we have moved furniture and clearly marked 2-metre distancing areas. We are also looking at ways to create booths using shields in our business centres which have social spaces. And we will also be limiting the number of people in them at any one time.

Additional Facilities

We have set up additional video conferencing facilities as we know this will be in high demand for clients who may want to stagger the number of people working in their offices. Video conferencing will allow the whole team to stay in touch whether they are in the office or working from home. 

Parking and overflow parking is available at all of our business centres.  

Welcome Back

business centres

More than anything we want all of our clients to stay safe, and look forward to seeing them soon – from a safe distance of course!



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