Top Tips On How To Make Your Office A Safe Environment For Work
As we slowly return to offices and a new norm, some changes will be needed in order to make sure that your office is a safe environment for work. Whilst this will change routine and familiarity, it will overall be beneficial for businesses and employees and a safer and happier environment.
Your Covid friendly checklist:
Staff rotation
The number of staff in the office at any one time should be kept to the minimum required, with others working remotely. For example one staff member from each skill set at once.
Additional hygiene measures
More hygiene procedures should be in place around the office and in the office building. Extra hand sanitiser stations, antibacterial wipes, masks and gloves will all work to help reduce the risk of the virus spreading.
Office layout
Most offices will be used to situating staff directly next to or across from each other, new safety precautions will mean that more distance between each employee will be needed. This can be worked around by installing plastic screens on or around desks to act as a barrier and still make the most use of the office space.
Deep cleaning
Deep cleaning will be required to be increased as standard, with regular disinfecting of shared areas. High traffic contact zones, such as handles, bathrooms, desks and chairs will need wiping down with an antibacterial cleaner frequently throughout the day.
Your work place mind-set
Along with physical changes, we will also have to adapt the way with think and act in the office.
Being considerate and understanding will go a long way to keep morale up and make fellow employees fell at ease. For many, particularly those who are business owners, the period of lockdown has been a chance to reflect on what has been working well as of late, and what in fact, has not.
Take this moment as an opportunity to refresh and revitalise your workspace and allow it to work as best it can, to support the current demands of your team and the day to day running of your business.
Finding different ways to connect/interact may be a challenge at first but applications such as Zoom, and fun methods such as creating a contactless handshake can help to keep the work-family together and morale and inspiration up.
You can also find out all of the ways that we’re keeping our clients safe at Wrkspace by clicking below.
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