Your brand encompasses everything about you and your company. From your logo, strapline, colour scheme, font selection to your key message, products and services. Your brand should be inspiring, build trust, create impact and generate sales. Here are 5 ways to boost your brand in 2018.

- Products & Services Good products and services are the voice of your business. Listen to feedback… what could you improve? What could you do differently? Ensure that your products and services are the very best they can be.
- Competitors It’s ok to see what your competitors are up to but don’t try to copy them. Always refer back to your UPS (unique selling point) if you don’t have one… create one! Don’t try to copy big brands they have many more resources than you do, there is nothing wrong with aspiring to one but create your own revenue by being innovative and authentic.
- Consistency Carry out a brand audit. Ensure your brand is consistent across all media, platforms and disciplines. Sending a consistent coherent message is fundamental to boosting your brand. Each part of your business that comes in to contact with your customers… this includes your social media activity. It needs to convey your key message, ethos and match your brand entirely.
- Go Digital Technology is forever evolving, adapting and bringing new features and challenges. What worked for your business last year may not work this year. Grow your business with technology, make changes and adapt with digital media. If you are not digital in some areas in your business… make 2018 the time to try email marketing, social media or video.
- Feedback What is your customer feedback like? What are customers asking for? How can you make them happy? How can you support them? Listen to your customers… good feedback means they will say positive things about you and your business and therefore happy to recommend you bringing more business your way.
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